Ichigeki – Summary

Keita Machida will star in NHK 2023 New Year’s period drama “Ichigeki” as Ichizo.

This is a one-episode, two-hour long drama airing in January, normally between 1st and 4th January.

Drama Summary:

Adapted from the comic “Ichigeki,” which is based on the novel “Bakumatsu Ichigeki Hissatsu-tai (Bakumatsu One-Strike One-Kill Squad),” this drama follows the activities of the “Ichigeki Hissatsu-tai,” a special combat unit formed by farmers to deal with the self-proclaimed “imperial guarding rōshi (wandering warriors)” and the “imperial thieves” from Satsuma domain who are causing a huge stir in Edo during the final days of the Tokugawa shogunate.

The story takes place in Edo (Tokyo), right after Taisei Hokan (the Great Restoration of the Imperial Rule).

Katsu Kaishū, wishing to avoid a large-scale war against the Satsuma domain warriors who are doing their utmost to bring about the downfall of the Tokugawa clan, gathers together a group of peasants, including “the strongest man in the village,” “the big-size man,” “the fastest man in the village,” and “the wittiest man in the village,” who are not warriors from the Aizu domain nor Shonai domain, and secretly establishes a private combat unit. 

The peasants, including Ushigoro (Sometani Shota) and Ichizo (Machida Keita), who have gathered for the huge reward, are scared to hold a sword for the first time. As they undergo special training by Shimada Konosuke (Matsuda Ryuhei), a former Shinsengumi member, they start to grow day by day.

Then comes their first battle.

The peasant squad goes into battle with a roar in full spirit, and is given the name “Ichigeki Hissatsu-tai,” meaning “The One-Strike, One-Kill Squad.”

Sometani Shota
Machida Keita
Ito Sairi
Tsukaji Muka
Okayama Amane
Takagishi Hiroyuki
Hosoda Yoshihiko
Kamikawa Shusaku
Matsuda Ryuhei

Matsuda Ayato (TBS Sparkle)

Kudo Kankuro

Shiomura Kaori (TBS Sparkle, also the producer of Three Star Bar in Nishi Ogikubo, Keita’s first leading drama project)

Airing time:
January 3rd, 2022 (Tuesday), 21:00 JST

Machida Keita, Sometani Shota, and Matsuda Ryuhei

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